How much effort does it really take to show someone your appreciation ?? Is it that time consuming that you need to be reminded to make time for it? Or should it just come natural?
I get offended when people tend to take things for granted and act like thats what your suppose to do , so no need for them to show you any appreciation. They expect you to know that they appreciate you doing whatever you did for them. If thats the case whats the point of THANK YOU? If you know that the person knows your thankful for whatever you did for them , there is no need to say thank you.
The smallest gesture to show someone that you appreciate them , can be the biggest thing ever.
Like for instance i have a friend that feels that they dont need no help from anyone, they have built up some type of belief system that they are all good by themselves. But if you really think that whats the point of having friends?? If you dont need anyone to do anything for you , you might as well be by your damn self?? Right???
I dont need anyone to buy stuff for me or give me stuff but if they do i appreciate anything that i can get. Whether it be something purchased, some helpful advice or even just a helping hand with something. I feel that there is so much in this world that we cant do and thats the purpose of having people that can help you do it.
I have another friend that unconsciously thinks that this is how it should be and if they do shout you out every once in awhile that you should be thankful for that and appreciate that. I think its quite tickling that if people automatically stop doing stuff for this person they would think a tad bit different. I dont think i should have to change who i am just to teach you that you should be more appreciative. You should already know. But for some reason the world doesnt work like that.
So Operation Appreciation Begins ....
Everyone should always say thank you after anything is done for you and you should tell anyone that you think has stuck there neck out for you in the slightest way .." Hey I appreciate......" Its not that hard...
Try it and tell me how it works..
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