Well I can say that this subject is near and dear to my heart. Over the past year My Love and I have been dealing with this subject. And i decided its time for me to speak on it.
Dis·loy·al·ty [ diss lóy əltee ] (plural dis·loy·al·ties)
1. being disloyal: a lack of loyalty to a person, vow, organization, or state
2. disloyal act: a disloyal or unfaithful act
Some don't understand the depth and understanding of a good friendship and others take it for granted because evidentally Great Friends Grow on Trees...
This doesn't mean that you have to agree with your friend at all times or you must think that what ever they do or say is right. This is something that comes with trust and friendship.
Like our friend BB
Unfortunately his Loyalty lays all over our city, it took us a minute to realize that this was going to potentially hurt us in the end. Which it did it cost us 230 dollars... Yea i know why did we end up losing money.. Long story just know that you cant trust everyone. But as we came to see that we would have to go on in life with out BB because it wasn't worth the Wonder ...Wondering if we were the Lucky number 7/11 that week and was his loyalty coming to us or to John Doe!!
Mr. Follower
This guy does what ever the next guy does so really i dont even know why we even called him a friend. There isnt even much to go on ..lol
Sex Addict
This particular person decided that getting that lil bit of extra sex was worth a lifetime of friendship. Though i still keep in contact with them . I realize that a loyal friendship would never be restored.
Misses Me Too
She some how can do everything that you can do...Trust she told me " Me Too" she is another one, her loyalty lays to him , but his loyalty lays to me on occasions..lol and for some reason instead of her just coming out and saying that she felt it was better just to prove how disloyal she could actually be.
Powerful Prayer
Dont let them fool you , they are still trying to find themselves . So unfortunately in the simplest situation they became lost that quick. When it all came down to it they chose door B . Now there is nothing wrong with choosing Door B because everyone is entitled to there options. But those options are also entitled to closing that door forever. I will say that this was the one that got under my skin the most because i felt that how can someone that you think is such genuine person could never become the complete opposite. I was completely wrong and shell shocked. In my heart i said "this cant be happening to me" and In my head it was saying "there have been red flags since day one."
You cant be Loyal to everyone, and you cant expect everyone to be Loyal to you....
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