Let'st start off with this "When moving forward in life," you have to actually be moving forward. Alot of people believe that they are moving forward and really they are not moving anywhere. In order to move forward you have to take steps to move forward and continue to move. You cant just move when "You" know things need to be done or its coming up on deadline for things to be completed. In order to be put in a position to have to take steps back is because your movement forward was actually you not moving or you waiting to long to move. You have to keep moving, keep trying and never give up. You cant just sit back and let things come to you or wait for someone to tell you that its time to move.

This is the story of his life because he is the type of person that doesnt move on a consistant basis. No matter how many times someone pushes him to move , or assists him in moving he still moves when he wants or when he feels like moving. Unfortunately life doesnt work like this this and this is why people end up learning the hard way.
Now what puzzles me is, if this is your life on a consistant basis and you continue to have these problems do you not want change? Do you ever once stop and retrack your thoughts and the current steps that made you get into these situations??And if so what are the steps that you take so this doesnt keep repeating itself? Now if you are the type of person that keeps having to run through these steps every few months and its based around the same things, then your not following the steps correctly . You cant think that your life is changing from a bad situation when you are continuing to do the same things that got you in these situations. Just because its not the same exact way it still hasnt completely changed. Many of us stop and wonder why we have road blocks , trials and tribulations. But never have we once thought that if life was smooth sailing how would that have changed us as a person? To me the bad things in life make you stronger and when the good things come into play its makes us greatful to have them.
RERUN's these should really never happen unless you are watching TV. Thats the only places they should be allowed. You cant fault rerun's when your the cause of a rerun. The actions of your life daily can cause the EFFECT of the future. You cant think that what your doing today wont affect the Future, because it does. Im not saying live your life on a plan to be able to control the future but you do have to watch your actions and contributions to your life . If you were to sit back and think about 6 months ago and replay in your mind things that you have done and look at your life today ,how has the past affected the outcome of today? Or do you even think it does?
Think About that.....