Many of us put are selves in very awkward positions not knowing what could be the outcome. Many of us dont care about what the outcome could be, and many of us are so shocked by the outcome that we never even prepared ourselves for the good or the bad, we are just stuck.
When it's all said it done i have to say i placed my self in an awkward situation not knowing or caring about the outcome. i only was trying to become a better person , but in the end i ended up learning a very valuable lesson that i will take dear to heart. I know that right now so many things are going on in the lives of the one's i love and the saddest thing about it is that we ae so shocked by the outcome that we have not even initiated the step to take forward . This will be an interesting journey .
Just a Day to Day ...of my life and maybe a smidge of others... For Now!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Mild Roller Coaster

Wow what a day was Thursday...Thursday wasnt Wednesday nor Friday. My life was like a mild roller coaster yesterday. oh my where do i start..
I'm always watching drastic changes in my friends lives and others around me, but never really seem to be paying enough attention to my own life and the mild changes that im going through. So i have been slightly knocked off my rocker, because of a certain change in my life. Funny thing is i thought i had total control of the situation , come to find out im starting to become a hot mess. So im taking the time today to regroup and rethink my strategy to either learn to deal with this new change or .......
So between the ups and downs of yesterday , with the help of Aunt Flo she also had my emotions spinning out of control i really cant explain what the hell was wrong with me. So hopefully that explains my mood of yesterday.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Getting Pass the Present and Preparing for the Future

Some people can get so caught up on whats going on in the now that they dont remind themselves that its only setting you up for the future. The future can not be totally be planned out but the present can determine the direction of your future. If you get caught up on the negative from your past and you bring it to your present it sure will continue to follow you into your future. You should never dwell of what has happened in the past because there is no way that you can change it, the positive thing about the past is that you can learn from any mistakes that you have made and think of ways that you will not repeat them. Now when it comes to your present you should really focus on staying positive and taking life day by day and enjoying it for what it is. You can not get caught up in the negative in your present and shouldnt even allow the negative to be affecting your present because you should be taking the lessons learned from your past and applying them to your day to day life to help your life run smoother.

Predicting your future is what you should be focusing on in your present. You cant believe that everything is going to go Perfect because there is no such thing as perfect but you can direct your self in the right path towards your BRIGHT future. You can make sure that your future exist but only WITH the grace of God by your side. Your Future is also determined by the amount of change that you allow to happen. Change is so many things and can be percieved as many things but honestly Change is Constant and there's nothing much you can do about it. Even if you choose not to change, Change is constantly happening around you whether it be good or bad.
So Quote for today....due to some morning inspiration :
"Noone can got back and start a new begining , but anyone can start today and create a new ending.!!"
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Getting on it
Monday, September 28, 2009
What Last night Brought Me...
Main Focus
We have goals and we have let others take us off track...we need to continue to stay on track . My main focus is to complete school and i will do it no matter what.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I mean i must be moved tonight becasue i feel like this is a topic that i could blog about for a while i mean im just in shock. My family is so divided it is crazy and it really doesnt make sense. If you were to just meet us off the street and see us all together you would be able to tell us that we act like a true family but if you were to see us in different environments you wouldnt even know that other people exists?? ok let me break it down just so people can understand the blood relation
Willie & Ruby (My Great Grandparents)
Willie (My Grandfather)
Willie & Ruby (My Great Grandparents)
Willie (My Grandfather)
- Jeffery- Tiffynee(Jai)-Jeffery-Shontee(tariana,ashanti,sade)
- Charisse-Adam-Brandon
- Bryan- Jamar-Keith-Britani
- Tonya- Adreanna-Cameron
- Angie-tangie-tajanae-trinnitte
- *Micco*
- *Sharon* -sharice- *jameer*
- *Sean* - sean jr- *malika*
- Lanette
- Adrease
David (Deceased)
- Jamaal -jamaal jr- ?
Alvin (Deceased)
- *Arvid*
- Alvin Jr-Marissa
- Madge
- Ronnie-Ryan-Bobby
- Terry-Tj-Jordan-?
- Rusty
- Jason-Jasianna-Jalayah-Jada-Jasa
- Trinette
- Taya
- Curty
So Proof that we are all related right??? Cuz above listed is My great grandparents kids and there kids and there kids kids and there kidskids kids....But would you ever imagine that there was so much division??? it didnt use to be with some of the deceased was alive...Ponder on that im going to bed...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Take 2 steps foward and have to take 4 steps bak!! it never fails!! Story of His life!

Let'st start off with this "When moving forward in life," you have to actually be moving forward. Alot of people believe that they are moving forward and really they are not moving anywhere. In order to move forward you have to take steps to move forward and continue to move. You cant just move when "You" know things need to be done or its coming up on deadline for things to be completed. In order to be put in a position to have to take steps back is because your movement forward was actually you not moving or you waiting to long to move. You have to keep moving, keep trying and never give up. You cant just sit back and let things come to you or wait for someone to tell you that its time to move.

This is the story of his life because he is the type of person that doesnt move on a consistant basis. No matter how many times someone pushes him to move , or assists him in moving he still moves when he wants or when he feels like moving. Unfortunately life doesnt work like this this and this is why people end up learning the hard way.
Now what puzzles me is, if this is your life on a consistant basis and you continue to have these problems do you not want change? Do you ever once stop and retrack your thoughts and the current steps that made you get into these situations??And if so what are the steps that you take so this doesnt keep repeating itself? Now if you are the type of person that keeps having to run through these steps every few months and its based around the same things, then your not following the steps correctly . You cant think that your life is changing from a bad situation when you are continuing to do the same things that got you in these situations. Just because its not the same exact way it still hasnt completely changed. Many of us stop and wonder why we have road blocks , trials and tribulations. But never have we once thought that if life was smooth sailing how would that have changed us as a person? To me the bad things in life make you stronger and when the good things come into play its makes us greatful to have them.
RERUN's these should really never happen unless you are watching TV. Thats the only places they should be allowed. You cant fault rerun's when your the cause of a rerun. The actions of your life daily can cause the EFFECT of the future. You cant think that what your doing today wont affect the Future, because it does. Im not saying live your life on a plan to be able to control the future but you do have to watch your actions and contributions to your life . If you were to sit back and think about 6 months ago and replay in your mind things that you have done and look at your life today ,how has the past affected the outcome of today? Or do you even think it does?
Think About that.....
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Good Friends
I appreciate the friends that inspire me to continue to keep writing and to better myself in things that i want to accomplish so today's shot outs go to jennifer and rhondolyn...more to come
Dont Hate its Not a Good look For You!!
So this is what i dont understand you have women out here that fight to get your man and then when they get them even though he wasnt hard to get ..He was reallly just rebounding.. you hate on the one that let him go...Hmmm...dont you think there is a reason he was released..?? And Really do you honestly think that shades of color are making us completley different from eachother..Cuz there not i mean im not the one to bragg but im pretty sure hands down i got you beat ...There is no competition so enjoy your fling for what it is ..pump your brakes and stop tripping..I dont want to cause you no trouble ..Your actually making it easier on me ...satisfy him on the low and keep it that way..Hating on me is only making you look bad..He likes drama Free Relationships ..Dont question his loyalty or relationship with me there is no need...We do us Cuz it works for us..Now im being nice by not putting your picture up or saying your name...or emailing your Man and spilling your beans..So please do me a favor because i am a Lady..."Keep my name out Your mouth and we have no potential problems" But i do know how to act out...lets keep it nice and casual....
The If's in the world can be so challenging...Cant they? If i wanted to really tell you the truth i would, If i wasnt in this situation i would, if i cant do it your way can i please do it my way...."IF IF IF IF iF"
If i really wanted "IF" to run my life i would..But im not full of If's ...I like the Words CAN & I WILL...
I try to weed out the "IFFY" people in my life cause those are the ones that will disappoint you or lead you to a worserer (if thats a word)situation than you can already be in. People that use the word if too much use it as a scapegoat and a excuse for reasons why they cant do something. And really followed by "if" sorry i cant, or i would BUT, or i wont...Maybe Next time.. Once you see these signs evacuate immediately....your saving yourself of a potential problem.
If i really wanted "IF" to run my life i would..But im not full of If's ...I like the Words CAN & I WILL...
I try to weed out the "IFFY" people in my life cause those are the ones that will disappoint you or lead you to a worserer (if thats a word)situation than you can already be in. People that use the word if too much use it as a scapegoat and a excuse for reasons why they cant do something. And really followed by "if" sorry i cant, or i would BUT, or i wont...Maybe Next time.. Once you see these signs evacuate immediately....your saving yourself of a potential problem.
I Can Do Bad all By Myself
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sex and the City

When you're young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious. You could break a bone or a heart. You look before you leap and sometimes you don't leap at all because there's not always someone there to catch you. And in life, there's no safety net. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?”
Today is a Rainy Day in Washington...
Welp woke up this Morning and wasnt feeling the greatest... Found out that due to my Cousin's delay of getting something to me that i wouldnt be able to start school on time. Was kind of down about it but then realized that this can just be time for me to potty train lil miss amis and get her ready to go to ecap. I'm ready to finish shool but realize everything happens for a reason. So this just gives me time to be a better mom...
Now On the Flip side it seems tht everyone today is having some man issues...So imma speak on a few things.
Men Who say you mean the world to them or that they like you soooo Much...
You would think that if someone said that to you that you would either be that man's woman or his wife. But this is the real world and most of the time your that man's side piece. It Boggles my mind how some people can expect so much out of you but they only want to give a little of themselves. I see it as if you liked me so much then things that you seem to do would change a little right?? Not! I like for a person to stand there ground and be themselves butif you cant make time for me or i feel that when we are not together you could really care less that tends to be a problem for me. So to my friends with this problem:: I say that its time to migrate to a new circle of men and a better environment for us. We are Great women and im dead sure that there are men out there for us that see the same thing.
Starting with myself i really need to stop settling for a lot of things and not just men but life in general. Focus on me and my mini me..and move forward..
I want my friends to know that today did start off rough and then after a unexpected phone call from one of my sibilings. I realized that its just not me that needs to move forward its my circle.

So much love for the day and the rest of the night. On my way to my neice's 7th Birthday Party "Happy Birthday Ashanti"
You can Follow me on twitter: Juicy31
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